List of Speakers

Below you can find the list of already confirmed speakers at the MLSS 2018, Madrid.

Francis Bach
Will speak about Optimization.
Kyunghyun Cho
Will speak about Neural Language Models.
Rob Fergus
Will speak about Deep Learning.
Arthur Gretton
Will speak about Kernel Methods.
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
(Cambridge University)
Will speak about ML on molecules.
Shakir Mohamed
Will speak about Bayesian Deep Learning.
Joris Mooij
(University of Amsterdam)
Will speak about Causal Inference.
Sebastian Nowozin
(Mircrosoft Research)
Will speak about GANs.
Michael Osborne
(Oxford University)
Will speak about Bayesian Optimization and Prob. Numerics.
Jan Peters
(TU Darmstadt and MPI for IS)
Will speak about Reinforcement Learning.
Suchi Saria
(Johns Hopkins University)
Will speak about Machine learning and causal inference for personalized decision making.
Oliver Stegle
Will speak about ML for Statistical Genomics and Systems Genetics.
Richard Turner
(Cambridge University)
Will speak about Gaussian Processes.
Sinead Williamson
(University of Texas at Austin)
Will speak about Bayesian Non-parametrics.