Organizing Committee
Daniel Hernández-Lobato
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Computer Science Department.
daniel.hernandez  (
José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Cambridge University
Department of Engineering.
jmh233  (

We are very grateful to the set of six volunteers that have collaborated in the organization of the MLSS. Below you can find a list of them.

Pablo Bonilla Escribano
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Signal Theory and Communications Department.
pbonilla  (
Eduardo César Garrido Merchán
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Computer Science Department.
eduardo.garrido  (
Pablo Moreno Muñoz
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Signal Theory and Communications Department.
pmoreno  (
Ignacio Peis Aznarte
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Signal Theory and Communications Department.
ipeis  (
Pablo Sánchez Martín
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Signal Theory and Communications Department.
psanch  (
Carlos Villacampa Calvo
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Computer Science Department.
carlos.villacampa  (