Where to have lunch

In this section you can find very useful information about where to have lunch at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Of course, you can have lunch at the Cafetería located in Escuela Politécnica Superior. The menu is 5.30 euros. However, there are other places where you may also have lunch. These are only at a 5 minutes walking distance. Please, take also a look at them.

Other places where you can have lunch
In general, at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid the lunch menu costs 5.30 euros, if it is self-service. Other options in which you are served by waiters are also available at a slighty higher cost (around 7 euros).

Calle Ivan Pavlov, 6, 28049 Madrid

Plaza Mayor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Rectorado, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Calle Nicolás Cabrera 1, 28049 Madrid